After a wild two years, I am pleased to announce that this project is starting up again.

For those who have not been following my other newsfeeds, the astromech project had to be suspended in 2019 when I suffered a medical emergency requiring emergency surgery and a year of recovery. I was just preparing to start again when the COVID pandemic hit, and I could no longer access my workshop for eight months. When I returned in the winter of 2020 I discovered that my 3D printer had failed, requiring the purchase of a replacement model. 

So now I have received the new 3D printer, and I am in the process of setting it up and getting it calibrated. Assuming that there are no more catastrophes, I expect to start printing again in the Spring.

And hopefully by the summer I can start producing some photos and video for my followers. Following that, we make it sentient and hope it doesn't decide to take over the world :)