June 3, 2009 - I am off to the job fair now. I figured that, since I am only weeks away from graduation, I should go out into the real world and see what opportunities there are for a PhD level physicist (if I decide to leave academia). Wish me luck :)
May 28, 2009 - I found this interesting new search engine online from Wolfram. It provides interesting facts on any date or place, and of even greater interest is a complete set of mathematics and science calculators. I have been spending most of the morning just looking at the list of physics calculators it includes. I would encourage everyone to bookmark this site without delay!
May 26, 2009 - I got the proofs of my graduation photos today. I have posted a selection of them here, and will post more after the ceremony in June..
May 24, 2009 - This has been a most interesting day. First the USM motor on my camera gave out, so I will have to look for a replacement this week, and then the feed roller on my printer began to slip, so I need to fix that too :(
May 23, 2009 - I just got back from my photo session for graduation. If the photos turn out well I will post some on my website.
May 18, 2009 - I am happy to note today that the paper we published a few years ago on light dark matter has now reached 40 citations from other articles, while the paper we did on the primordial Lithium-7 abundance being suppressed by charged relics is at 47 citations.
May 17, 2009 - This is an important day in history. One hundred years ago today was the birth of Julius Sumner Miller, known for being a student of Einstein, a popular physics lecturer, and the first person to inspire my own journey into the world of physics research.
May 14, 2009 - I have just surpassed 1000 hits on my site counter (although I only added it about two years ago so it doesn't count the first decade of my website)
May 8, 2009 - I have now separated my personal and professional webpages. The two address are chrisbird.synthasite.com (personal page) and drchrisbird.synthasite.com (physics page).
May 10,2009 - I just discovered an interesting website where users can track the location of the GLAST satellite. It is interesting and fun (though admittedly not very useful)
May 5, 2009 - It seems that the Large Hadron Collider has now been repaired, so hopefully we can see some new physics by the end of the year.
April 28, 2009 - I am finally updating my website, and moving it to a new address: drchrisbird.synthasite.com
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