September 4, 2012 - It is the first day of school throughout the country, and time to start into a new year of learning. May it be a fun and productive one for all students at all levels.
August 29, 2012 - I have been living on the west coast for too long - apparently there was a 3.0 magnitude earthquake a few miles away and I didn't even notice it!
August 25, 2012 - I have finally found the time to add some of the astrophotography photos from my last trip to my blog. Feel free to look through them, but please remember that I was working with limited equipment (the good stuff got misdirected or delayed somehow) so don't judge them too harshly :)
August 24, 2012 - Congratulations to the University of Victoria on the creation of a Center for Aerospace Research, and especially to my former neighbour who has been appointed to direct it. It looks like it will be an amazing place for students to study and develop new technology.
August 10, 2012 - Just a quick note today to let everyone know that I am going to be out of town for the next week or so, and so today is your last chance to contact me for urgent business. Otherwise, I shall return in a week!
August 6, 2012 - Congratulations to the NASA Curiosity probe which has just landed safely on Mars! Its mission, to spend the next two years or so searching the planet for the molecules that form the building blocks of life. (Including a Canadian experiment). And now it can finally start on its long search, and hopefully provide some exciting new scientific discoveries.
July 31, 2012 - Just heard that the newest and most lucrative prize in physics has been awarded to eight noted theorist. Each received $3 million for the lifetime of contributions to the fundamentals of physics. And unlike the Nobel prize, this one doesn't get divided (and it is focused more on the theorists than experimentalists). Congratulations to all of the winners!
July 28, 2012 - Just a reminder for those living on Vancouver Island that today and tomorrow will be the Vancouver Island Maker Faire out at the Panorama Rec Center. I am fairly certain that there are still tickets available, so lets get out there and show the world what it means to be a maker!
July 27, 2012 - HAPPY SYSADMIN DAY!!! A day devoted to showing your favourite sysadmin how valuable they are and how respected they are. So give them each a nice bouquet of wires and hubs, and make them feel special!
July 19, 2012 - I have finally completed my Arduino webcam project. It uses a freeduino with an AsyncLabs WiFi shield and a hacked CMOS camera to save images to my offsite FTP server. I will send the code to whoever is interested, and probably post it to some of the maker websites later on.
July 12, 2012 - My astronomer friends tell me that our Sun has let loose a significant solar flare that is going to hit the Earth sometime this weekend (probably Saturday evening). It shouldn't cause any damage, but what it will do is bring the northern lights (a.k.a. aurora borealis) far enough south that it will be visible in southern Canada. It is a rare opportunity to see this spectacular show without travelling to the far north.
July 4, 2012 - This is a huge day in history - the Higgs boson has been discovered! Just past midnight this morning (local time) the teams from the Large Hadron Collider announced that they had found a 5-sigma signal for the Higgs, which is a solid discovery. After fifty years, the search is over.
July 3, 2012 - For those who haven't heard yet, the Large Hadron Collider physics team are going to give a lecture sometime this afternoon/evening on their most recent data in the Higgs boson search. It is going to be streamed live here (Unfortunately locally it will be running past midnight). Rumors have it that they may have finally discovered the infamous Higgs and completed the Standard Model, but it also could be another disappointment.
July 1, 2012 - HAPPY CANADA DAY!!
June 25, 2012 - For those who are wondering, I have rewritten the quotes widget on the front page of my website to make it more efficient and standardized across all of my websites. Unfortunately something in the new widget seems to be causing it to be blocked by the Tor network and similar proxy servers. I am investigating this oddity, and hopefully will have the quote-widget working again very soon.
June 22, 2012 - The big weekend is finally here! (Or at least one of them) It is time for the Vancouver Maker Faire!!
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