August 31, 2013 - Today my website just passed 10,000 hits from six of seven continents (I am still waiting for a confirmed hit from Antarctica). Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit over the past years, and may we pass 20,000 just as easily!
August 15, 2013 - Today is a personal anniversary for me - it was fifteen years ago this month that I first published a simple little website called The Grandiloquent Dictionary. Since then it has had a million hits, spawned numerous other projects, and become a worldwide sensation. Thank you to all of my friends and supporters who have been there in good times and bad, and helped to make this such a massive success.
August 11, 2013 - For those who live in areas with clear skies and not too much light pollution, the Perseid meteor showers will be occurring over the next few nights, strongest in the North-Eastern sky. I am fortunate this year to be viewing them from a private dark site and will try to post some photos (and if I am lucky some video footage) when I get back.
August 9, 2013 - Just a quick reminder this morning that I will be away from my office next week, so if anyone needs anything in the immediate future, they should contact me before the end of the day today.
August 8, 2013 - For those interested in antimatter and particle physics, there is a new project for amateur scientists. The AEgIS experiment at CERN is studying how gravity affects antimatter, and they are seeking volunteers online to do data processing. More information can be found here.
August 8, 2013 - Congratulations to the Curiosity Rover! It has now been driving around the Martian landscape for one year, sending back photos and data to NASA. A summary video of its work can be found here.
July 24, 2013 - A few people have been asking me for tutorials on making rendered landscapes such as these. I may write a few later when I have time, but for now I would recommend that those interested in learning use either Vue (for landscapes) or Daz3D (for figures) and mention that there are some great tutorials are GeekAtPlay and QuadSpinner.
July 17, 2013 - I just received the replacement parts for my GPRS camera project, so hopefully after I complete a few other chores in August I can post some more information for those who are interested. I do apologize for these delays.
July 3, 2013 - There is a new website from the University of Texas, as part of research into image processing. By analyzing large numbers of nature photographs, they are developing new methods of removing noise from images and of enlarging images. It is interesting research, and for the present they are offering free online image processing of up to 1000 images per day. Worth checking out for photographers and scientists alike.
July 1, 2013 - HAPPY CANADA DAY!!
June 21, 2013 - It seems that the Kepler probe is not going to be coming back online anytime soon after last month's mechanical failure. For those who aren't familiar with it, the Kepler experiment is a satellite based observatory that has spent many years detecting planets in other solar systems, and quite successfully. I am hearing from various sources that it is not looking recoverable at this point, but I hope they are wrong.
June 20, 2013 - After relaunching my widget hosting website yesterday, another DDoS took it down again. I do not know yet if it is targeted at just my website, or at all websites on that server, but I have decided that it isn't worth repairing again. Therefore I have moved all of that content to a new server which should integrate seamlessly into my websites now.
June 18, 2013 - The latest version of the Species game has just been released. For those not familiar with it, this is a really interesting science simulation / game that reproduced evolution of 3D creatures in a simulated environment. IMO, this is one of the most interesting simulator games available and while it is in alpha it is free to download. (In fact, I had been developing something similar over the past three months, but I have dropped that project now because these guys are just so far ahead of me right now)
June 14, 2013 - Further to yesterday's comments on the non-functioning widgets on my website, it would appear that this may be the result of a DDS attack in which rapid requests are made of the server for resources related to my widgets, such that the attacker would exceed the bandwidth limitations on my websites and trigger an automatic shutdown. In the interim, I have written workarounds for the most visible and critical parts of my website, and hope to resolve the remaining issues next week.
June 13, 2013 - For unknown reasons, several of the widgets on my websites have ceased functioning. The company that hosts these seems to have folded or otherwise ceased functioning. I will be working through the weekend to attempt to repair or replace these, and hope to have my sites back to normal by Monday.
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