January 6, 2001 - Just to add to my enjoyment, the teaching job I applied for over a year ago in Vancouver has finally responded but the only hours they have available are the only hours I am going to be in classes.
January 3, 2001 - What a wonderful day. I rushed back from Christmas holidays, moved to Vancouver to take a special class this term on quantum field theory, only to find that it has been cancelled. Thank heaven's they didn't stress themselves out to let me know well ahead of time!
December 29, 2000 - I have had a whirlwind holiday this year. Since I am moving to Vancouver in a few days, I had to take down all my decorations early and rush the final days of Christmas so I would have time to pack. But it will be worth it to take this course at UBC and to finally be allowed to do research full time.
November 3, 2000 - My plans are not quite working out. With the low vacancy rate in Vancouver right now, I still haven't found an apartment so I am staying in a small hotel some days and driving back to Victoria some days. At least the ferry ride each week is scenic. If anyone knows of a room to rent near UBC, let me know ASAP.
August 29, 2000 - I just found out that the apartment I reserved is no longer available. As best I could determine from the land lord, the previous tenant decided not to leave after all and so I have to find another vacancy only a few days before classes begin...
August 20, 2000 - After a busy summer of working 70 hour weeks and taking no time off, I am finally preparing to move to Vancouver where I will be doing research at the TRIUMF particle accelerator for the next year. I have an apartment reserved and will be moving in in two weeks. Once I have my new address I will let everyone know it.
June 15, 2000 - I had planned to spend the summer in Vancouver or Edmonton working at one university or another, but the healthcare system has other plans. They promised that there would be some form of homecare to look after my parents, but now I find that that program has been cut and I am entirely on my own. I guess I won't be doing much this summer.
March 12, 2000 - I have now passed the one year mark of looking after my parents, and the hospital's promise to provide home support within the year seems to have faded. I asked them about it, but they just keep forwarding me to different departments and no one seems willing to actually help! January 5, 2000 - Back to classes and back to work. Again this term I am teaching an introductory physics lab, and again taking a full load of courses. December 12, 1999 - I have finished with my exams for the year, so I am driving over to Vancouver today to scout out where I will be working this summer at the TRIUMF particle accelerator. October 16,1999 - I have updated my class scheduling software, and I have decided to make it available as freeware to all fellow UVic students. October 3, 1999 - Although I still regret not getting to attend UofA, I am enjoying the classes I am taking at UVic. I was very fortunate that the department here made special arrangements for me to take a full slate of graduate courses here. September 20, 1999 - My graduate school plans didn't quite work out. After struggling all summer to make arrangements for graduate school at UofA, and after driving halfway there, it has become clear that it is not an option this year. With my father still very sick and my mother unable to handle him, and the hospital system being completely uncaring and unhelpful, the only way to keep the family going is for me to delay graduate school for another year until he gets better. In the meantime, my friends on the faculty at UVic have arranged for me to work here this year. Then next summer I will see about transferring back to UofA. August 27, 1999 - I have my truck all packed, and tomorrow morning I head out on the highway to my new life in Alberta. August 5, 1999 - I am really getting tired of dealing with the housing department at UofA. I sent my money and application form for a room on campus, and they swore I would have no trouble getting something. Now it looks like they were mistaken, and I will have to quickly find something off campus.
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