August 18,2011 - Interested in taking classes at Stanford? As part of a new program they are offering some free engineering courses online. Details can be found at (There is also an AI Course that wasn't listed originally)
August 2, 2011 - My website has just surpassed 4000 views. Thank you to all those who had the interest to view my ramblings and writings, and I hope each and everyone of the 4000 left contented.
July 27, 2011 - I would like to take a moment and truly thank the philanthropists and science devotees who funded my recent research grant through the micropayments system. I am humbled by your generosity, and I assure you that every penny will go to furthering scientific research.
July 20, 2011 - I have now returned from my vacation, and will be processing my backlog of e-mails and other requests in the next few days. For those who are interested, I will be posting photos of my camping trip.
July 15, 2011 - After almost 13 years without a real vacation, I am finally going on a weekend camping trip! I will be on Hornby Island for the next three or four days (depending on the weather), but in an emergency I should still be reachable by cell phone.
July 1, 2011 - HAPPY CANADA DAY!!
June 19, 2011 - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Now go out there and do something special for dad this year - I bet he wants a new tie ;)
June 12, 2011 - I finally had time to install and fine-tune a comment system for both my science/tech blog for the public and for my own personal blog for friends and family, courtesy of Feel free to leave comments now.
June 7, 2011 - This neighbourhood is definitely getting more interesting. A family a few houses away from me lost their boa constrictor this morning, so anyone in the Tillicum-Burnside neigbourhood of Saanich,BC should be on the look-out (and keep small animals indoors). They are nice people, so I hope they get their pet back safely and quickly.
May 21, 2011 - I am disappointed that the world is still here. I was promised Armageddon, and it didn't happen! Now I might have to actually complete my workload and catch up on my chores ;)
May 20, 2011 - UPDATE: My e-mail and Islandnet hosted websites are working again, but some of the resources and images are still down, so for the present time my websites look a little shoddy. Hopefully Islandnet will get that corrected soon as well. (Further Update: Just after I wrote this my resources came back online, so the site is back to normal. In honour of their return, I added two pages of webcounters and maps for my website and for my dictionary page)
May 11, 2011 - For those who were trying to reach me over the past 24h via e-mail, one of the companies that hosts my e-mail accounts was the victim of a denial-of-service attack and so no messages got through. I think it has now been resolved, and I will be spending the next while going through the backlog. (PS. I just remembered that that host also is the webhost for my Grandiloquent Dictionary website, so it has been out of service for the past day as well)
May 8, 2011 - Happy Mother's Day!
May 2, 2011 - A reminder that today is the Canadian Election. So get out there and vote - unless you support a party that I don't in which case feel free to stay home :)
April 29, 2011 - Today is the royal wedding. Shockingly they didn't invite me :)
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