December 19, 2010 - New results from the CMS detector at the LHC exclude extra dimensions larger than a certain size. But their press release forgets to mention that a few years ago my dissertation and publications and other people's publications already excluded this! (More details)
December 18, 2010 - Why is it when I was young, the week before Christmas was the longest in the year but now that I am an adult it seems like the shortest? But in any case, I have the baking done and the tree and the lights up now, so I can relax a little. (Maybe I should frighten the neighbours by rehearsing Christmas carols on my bagpipes ;) )
December 16, 2010 - It's party night! For the first time in many years I have enough free time and sufficiently few responsibilities that I can actually attend my office Christmas party! (Technically I am just an associate researcher with Lonrach, but I do so much work in cooperation with them that they invited me to the office party anyway.)
December 15, 2010 - Heard this last year and thought it was applicable... (for those who have asked, it is a comedian doing an impersonation of Rex Murphy, lamenting the fact that as a child he only got a dictionary for Christmas, and how he must now punish the world with bombast!)
December 13, 2010 - Last chance for tutoring sessions this week. I have only a few times left, so contact me as soon as possible if you need assistance.
November 29, 2010 - Some of you have been requesting tutoring sessions in preparation for the final exam season. I will be holding a few group sessions and some one-on-one sessions in math and physics - any topic - and perhaps some in engineering and computer science. Any interested students should email me as soon as possible, as spaces are limited.
November 26, 2010 - I forgot to mention earlier that the latest version of Vue is now released, including a free starter version. They can be downloaded here. I will post some artwork from the new program as soon as I can, but it should be similar to the work I did with previous versions.
November 25, 2010 - I am snowed in again on this icy hill - this will be the fifth or sixth day. I am really beginning to empathize with my great-grandfather!
November 19,2010 - As those of you in the city now know, it is snowing. The weather channel says about 4" tonight, so I may not be able to get out of my steep driveway tomorrow. But I am sure I can still find a lot to do while snowbound.
November 12, 2010 - Last call for Reading Break tutorial sessions. I have limited spaces left, so anyone who needs some help today or over the weekend should email me as soon as possible.
November 11, 2010 - REMEMBERANCE DAY! I hope everyone has their poppies on, and will respect the two minutes of silence today. Every year I remember all of my family members who have served, and how tough and scary it must have been for them at times. They certainly deserve our honour and respect.
November 9, 2010 - Well it is finally over. The final arrangements are far from fair, but sometimes you would lose more by trying to make others be honourable. I have been dealing with different estate matters for over 3 1/2 years, and it looks like I will be finished by the end of this month and can focus on more productive activities again...
October 31, 2010 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
October 30, 2010 - Under the category of useless trivia - my website just surpassed 3000 views since I reset my counter 18 months ago. That is a lot of people looking for mindless piffle!
October 29, 2010 - I just finished carving my pumpkins for Halloween. This year is a mix between Zombie Pumpkin designs and my own work. I will post photos later at my pumpkin art page. (By popular request, I am also posting an article on how to photograph pumpkins or jack-o-lanterns)
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